Telephone: +65 6808 8760+65 6809 2001
* SDF-APPROVEDDATES11 – 12 Apr 201903 – 04 Sep 2019
Time: 9am – 5pm
SDF Available (Non-WSQ) Code: CRS-N-0024052SkillsFuture Credit eligibleMIS Member enjoy 20% DiscountRegister for 3 or more participants to enjoy 5% Group Discount
Why You Should Attend This Course:The market place is becoming increasingly competitive. The understanding of the ever changing market environment and customer requirements is crucial for the survival of organisations and businesses.
Market research provides organisations and businesses with an effective and efficient way to continuously stay in touch with market place changes and customers’ perceptions, behaviours and needs. This is crucial in ensuring that organisations and business stay relevant and competitive in the market.
This 2-day course will enable participants to gain a deeper understanding of the nature and role of market research. More specifically, participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to meet their organisations’ research needs. Using a hands-on approach, participants will be involved in the market research process through the development of a research problem and designing appropriate research methodologies to answer their research needs.
Note: Participants are required to bring laptop for hands on exercises.
Learning Outcome:• Gain an appreciation of the nature and role of market research for organisations• Develop an understanding of the importance of market research and identify with its benefits• Recognise the different types of frequently used research methodologies• Identify appropriate research methods for different research needs and requirements• Understand the various steps of the research process• Acquire the necessary skills to develop questionnaires, implement fieldwork, generate data and analyse findings• Acquire the skills to use social media to gather data to generate digital insights
Course Outline:
Understanding the various types of market research• Market research defined• Types of research methodologies (Quantitative vs. Qualitative)• The pros and cons of different research methodologies
Committing to the benefits of market research• Roles of market research and the various methodologies• Importance and benefits of market research• Identify the appropriate research methodologies based on the varying research needs of an organisation
Implementing a market research project• Market research process explained (Problem Definition; Research Design & Method; Data Collection; Data Preparation & Generation; Data Analysis; Report Preparation)• Problem definition explained – Constructing clear and usable research problem and objectives
Qualitative research methods• Acquire skills to design and execute a qualitative research project. This would cover the following:-Sampling considerations for setting up a qualitative project-Developing the guide or the research instrument-Acquiring a robust understanding the do’s and don’ts qualitative data collection-Learning how to analyse and present the findings
Quantitative Research methods• Types of sampling methods (covering randomised and non-randomised sampling)• Identify the most suitable sampling method and calculating required sample sizes
Questionnaire development explained• Techniques for question construction (covering question content; question wording; question structure)• Open-ended, close-ended, multiple choice, dichotomous, scale; questionnaire format• Appreciate the issues to good questionnaire development through hands-on development
Conducting fieldwork explained• Strategies to securing interviews• The do’s and don’ts of asking questions• Acquire the expertise to conduct fieldwork through an understanding of issues fieldworkers experience
Data entry, generation and interpretation explained• Acquire skills for data coding, data entry and data generation in excel• Acquire knowledge for interpreting and analysing data collected (covering central tendency and frequency distribution)
Collecting consumer data using social media to generate digital insights.• Acquire skills for data collection• Acquire knowledge for interpreting and analysing data collected
Who Will Benefit?Any marketing executives or newly appointed marketing person who wants to master the art of fundamental market reseach skills. Also for marketing professionals who want to refresh their marketing skills.
Trainer’s Profile:
Ms. Anila ShrivastavaDriving Growth and Behaviour Change I Specialist in Design Thinking & Decoding Behaviour
Anila is a passionate, dynamic and award-winning researcher with extensive experience in supporting clients define strategy to drive growth and to drive behaviour change; using frameworks that are anchored in the principles of cultural semiotics, behavioural sciences, design thinking and high-end analytics.Anila, has more than eighteen years of experience in leading SBU’s and Business Verticals (the Consumer Products Group, Retail and Media) for the Kantar Group, TNS and Nielsen. She has helped fortune 500 companies and nonprofits define strategy for growth and innovation.
She is currently leading idstats research, a behavioural research consultancy that services clients ranging from global major’s to local SME’s on growth and behaviour change strategies. She also consults clients and conducts training for agencies/end clients and is also an Associate Lecturer with a local Polytechnic.She has a bachelor’s degree in Economics (First Class) and an MBA from India. She has also pursued EDP programs in User Centred Design (Cornell) and Design thinking (MIT). Currently, she is pursuing a Master from the S R Nathan School of Human Development, SUSS.
She is also a keen blogger and has also written and presented at manyconferences like MRSI, Asia Research, WARC, Semiofest etc.
More info at