Redefining Customer Experience: Why Customers Look for Safety Before Shopping

Redefining Customer Experience: Why Customers Look for Safety Before Shopping

COVID-19 has broken down the way we think of the consumer experience. Read on for ways the customer service can be directly impacted.

It stripped the customer experience bare. When the virus spread, health and protection with it were taken down. In reality, it still concerns 72 per cent of our customer panel. Yet the brand is about to spice them up again.

Let's get this personal. Buyers turn to their favorite brands to get them navigate a challenging period. It's in their faces. A massive 62 per cent think brands play a crucial role in solving the crisis challenges. They've opened the door — and are waiting for you to provide them with a better customer experience.

That is why.

Just before the crisis, 59 per cent of customers said they thought like the emotional aspect of customer service had been lost to companies. And 75 per cent say they want a human to communicate with, not a computer. So, they're amplifying their desires because they don't get the connections they want.

There are four ways you can affect the customer experience — and profits, therefore:

·         Safety

·         Intimacy

·         Prestige


1. Safety

Maslow wasn't trying to be a marketer.

Yet he was one of those. Maslow also created a guide to customer service by establishing a hierarchy of needs. And right after taking physiological needs into account, that means building defines. This is timely, as 67 per cent of customers have said that they are looking for protection before selecting a retailer.

They have to be feeling free. And this isn't all about masks and sanitizer. It sees what you, as a company, are doing.

Show them their health is something you care about. They want order, foresight and power. Particularly now. Train your staff to be aware of what your business is doing to help, and share.

2. Intimacy

Relationships are behaviour empowering.

Consumers want people to be honest. Be positive, and know what will change their lives. Do not annoy them by trying to guess what they want — or yourself. Only ask. Send a survey and collect real-time feedback while they're at your place. So, make good on that until you know what they want.

Start what you are saying you are going to do. It will make the customers feel closely linked to your brand. It sets in confidence. And trust is a trait which transcends the difficult times.

3. Prestige

Everyone loves to be liked.

Reputation matters and they are desirous of consideration for their peers. In these times many people have put themselves in the backseat. And, when you're working from home — why don't wear sweatpants, or pyjamas? No-one will see you. Nevertheless, places are re-opening now, and again, they love.

Let them see how the company fulfils their respective and reputational needs. We will equate their positive view of self with a strong affinity to your brand. And you are going to be building a loyal company.

4.  Fulfilment

Maslow calls it to be self-actualised.

But no matter what name you want to use, it means the same thing: personal development. The army is doing well. Their motto is "Be all you can be." A true expression of fulfilment. Also note, before this growth need can be fulfilled, the brand has already helped customers achieve the earlier steps. That means that the customer experience needs to build health, privacy and reputation first. All this comes before you can help the customer see how, as a result of your message, they can become a better person.

And, with that step there's a little more support here.

Explore where you are standing. There are several contributing factors of consumer behaviour.

Your goal is to figure out which ones work better for your brand — and your numbers of sales. To do so, take stock of where you are today. Several businesses are now revising their relationship surveys to deal with new and important customer experience issues. There is no way you are thinking the same thing. That can mean adding new vocabulary to the survey, modifying any of the questions or gathering data differently.

Here are ideas for you:

1. Run an exit survey.

It is a straightforward way of seeing how consumers feel right now.

It is sent out as a buyer, or a non-buyer leaves your spot. You may know how exactly they feel about leaving. That's fine, because within an hour, 50 percent of shoppers forget what they did.

Often the data is indicative of the purchasers. Why? Why? Since you just ping the people who purchase your goods naturally, or the mark of a rival, when they quit. No questions over significance here. A customer panel is specifically tied to the target audience and their actions.

2. Send an app or web survey.

Online shopping is up 50 percent.

Survey to see what online shoppers are doing-and why. New technology helps you to see the actions of users in the app and to monitor where they were online. This is called a summary of the recorded events. And, it can be used to gain valuable information regarding purchasing behaviour.

It is a huge move forward for the industry. Now you can see footprints on eCommerce, as well as digital ones. Using the data to affect your strategy of omnichannel and defeat your rivals before they can hit the game.

There's no possibility of improving the consumer experience. Now it is up to us to make changes. It is time we become agile and adapted. So, the faster we get going we will find ourselves the further ahead.