Planning for Insight: How to Build an Insight Roadmap for Customer Centricity

Planning for Insight: How to Build an Insight Roadmap for Customer Centricity

An insight roadmap is a strategy for maintaining customer centricity in the company. It brings stakeholders together to agree on key goals which will inform your insight community. It will help your community operationalize and provide a path forward for the insight community manager to inform the business. 

We'll explore why you may need it in this article, offer some considerations and give suggested logistics. In our own organizations and the experience of our customers, we will share what we learnt to do.

Reasons and Benefits for Having an Insight Community

1.)    Find Common Ground in an Endless Sea of Needs

Some organisations have so many needs in terms of ideas and knowledge that it is difficult to know where to start. Making sense of that is an daunting challenge for the insight group manager. A driven process allows group leaders and perspective executives to consider how the needs fit into the larger picture. Common themes frequently emerge which can be consolidated into projects.

2.)    Build Empathy to Establish Priority

Understanding the organization's wide variety of needs will help stakeholders become more comfortable waiting for their project to arrive in the queue. And, it leads to open negotiations, or even internally to bargain / bribing / arm wrestling, to decide who gets priority in the roadmap. We give more information on the prioritization below.

3.)    Manage Member Experience with a Schedule

Some organizations are struggling to pace their community of insights into the activities carried out. Overburdening members, and/or long lags between activities where members lose interest, may result in too many activities. No situation is ideal for long-term urban health perspective. Having a roadmap helps to avoid those problems.

4.)    Guarantee a Path for Return on Your Investment

Finally, providing a roadmap of insights guarantees high ROI on your Group investment in insight. Once stakeholders in the company have engaged and appreciate how the business was told, it's easier to display interest.

Logistics of Gathering Input from Stakeholders

We have collected in three primary ways. Use each advantage and disadvantage to help you decide which might be best for your organisation.

Give Homework to Your Stakeholders

Asking your stakeholders to do simple homework to ensure productive sessions when gathering inputs. The homework is not burdensome yet it ensures stakeholders have focused their time thinking about their goals and are ready for the discussions.

Consider a few such brief questions:

·         What are the big questions your customers need to answer about your organization?

·         Are there other sources of information inside the company (think of one piece of data) that could be leveraged to gain a deeper insight into group activities?

·         What recent patterns have arisen that worry you?

·         What customer information would be of greatest value to your team or to different departments?

·         What are some of the programs, promotions and/or initiatives that community members might be co-creating with you?

·         What would you judge the work done on the group as a success, if we were to meet a year from now?

Synthesizing and Compiling Ideas into a Calendar

When planning out the events you need to understand the size of the community's cadence and perspective, along with how you would like to prioritize will operation.

Cadence: In general, it is recommended that every community member be involved with around one to three activities each month to ensure community safety. If you have a business-to - business audience, you 're definitely going to want to remain on the low end of that spectrum, but if you have a super-engaged community, like video gamers, you might be able to reach past the upper limit.

Community size: If you have a wide community, with participants numbered in the thousands, you would have the advantage of being able to carry out several activities concurrently by submitting each operation only to a community subgroup.

Targeting of activities: Some of the things that you want to do will not require feedback from all members of the community. For example, maybe you've fine-tuned a product feature based on previous survey results and now you'd like customer feedback again. You'll want to target this behavior to members of the group who told you they 're using that feature, which may be only a handful of members. While you are conducting a discussion forum with that small niche community, you may also be able to perform a survey with a larger group on another topic.

Balance Stakeholder Needs and Customer Experience

Consider events that concentrate on the needs of the participants or even are just for fun while organizing activities for your insight group. If you've been doing marketing research for a while, this can often be challenging, because you certainly didn't have to talk with respondents about interaction practices before.

Share Responsibility for Engagement

Stakeholders who profit from insights created by the insight group also bear responsibility for helping with communication activities and sharingback.